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  Company Overview

Fenics is BGC Partner’s inhouse electronic brand, offering market infrastructure and connectivity services. The suite of offerings include market data and related information services, Fully Electronic brokerage, compression and other post-trade services, analytics related to financial instruments and markets, and financial technology solutions Fenics is the exclusive distributor of data for BGC Partners and its affiliates Data is sourced direct from voice, hybrid and electronic broking operations, and market data operations, including BGC, GFI and RP Martin. Data is delivered via direct data feeds and BGC-hosted FTP environments, and vendors. In 2019, announced the launch of FX data package ‘Fenics MD FX,’ and US Dollar reference data product ‘Fenics MD 2020.’ Brands include: Fenics UST, Fenics FX, Fenics MD, Fenics GO, KACE and Capital Lab

Type of business
Market Data Vendor
North America

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersNew York, United States
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$73 Million (Information Services)
OwnershipBGC Partners (GFI)
ManagementGlobal Head of Fenics: Richard Winter Global Head of Fenics US Treasuries: Louis Scotto Global Head of Fenics Solutions: Philip Norton

  Website Analysis

Alexa RankN/A
TypeMarket Data Vendor
Client CaseReal-Time
CoverageUnited States, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom
Asset ClassesYES
Compliance & RiskYES
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Market Data: FX & Money Markets (Spot, Forwards, NDF, Options, Repos, Implied Yields) Rates (IRS, Basis Swaps, X-CCY Swaps, OIS, FRAs, ND Swaps Butterflies, Forward Starting Swaps, Spreads), Interest Rate Options (Swaptions, Caps/Floors, Constant Maturity Swaps), Inflation (Fixing Seasonal Swaps, Options & Swaps), Fixed Income (CDS, Government, Emerging Markets, Corporates) Energy & Commodities (Oil, Gas, Power, Coal, Metals, Freight, Environmental) Equity Derivatives KACE: Kalahari is a multi-asset solutions provider for pricing analytics, price distribution, deal capture and middleware connectivity. The pricing engine provides aggregation and publishing using real-time prices and calculations of the interest rate and FX linear derivatives markets. Capital Lab: Is a portfolio compression tool for managing the cost of holding derivatives. The ‘Swaptioniser’ service covers Bilateral and Cleared Interest Rate Swaptions, IRS, Caps and Floors and FX Products. Initial Margin Optimisation service allows clients to reduce bilateral initial margin & CCP IMs

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited States, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom
MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Manager, Hedge Funds, Government Agencies
Competition360T, CME/NEX, Euronext FX, LiquidNet, LSE/MTS, TP ICAP Information, Tradition Data
AvailabilityDirect from FENICS, Bloomberg, ICE Data, Quick, Refinitiv
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