BMLL Technologies

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  Company Overview

BMLL was created out of the University of Cambridge Signal Processing Labs which specialised in quantitative research for financial markets. Products and services are based around providing predicative analytic tools with analytics accessing exchange based data from limit order book data for quants and financial market researchers. BMLL's platform utilises machine learning and inference frameworks with a suite of toolboxes to address common limit order book problems. This enables clients to manage risk, develop and understand strategies including model optimisation. BMLL has been recognised as a leading UK FInTech business winning several awards

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  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersLondon, United Kingdom
Market Cap US$25 Million (5th Stage in January 2020)
Revenue US$>5 Million
OwnershipPrivate & Management
ManagementFounder: Dr Hugh Christensen Chief Executive Officer: Paul Humphrey Head of Sales & CRM: Ben Collins

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank4,272,363
TypeData Source
Client CaseUnknown
CoverageUnited Kingdom
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskYES
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

BMLL Dashboard allows users to identify, understand, then highlight points of interest by integrating visuals into workflows to optimize trading efficiencies within the regulatory framework BMLL Derived Data for alternate pricing data which generates signals correlating to the price of securities. It also identifies true trade execution costs 1t prevailing market levels BMLL Managed Data Science Platform to generate market insight based upon client datasets, tools and libraries to extract value from an Exchange’s order book and analyse market structure

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited Kingdom
MarketClients are from both the buy and sell side financial market communities, and include banks, asset managers. Typical users are traders and quants within these institutions
CompetitionAgena, Alpaca, Alphasense, Axioma, Kavout, Northstar
AvailabilityDirect from BMLL
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