Company Overview

CT Risk Solutions Limited operates as a risk assessment and risk management company for internal risk and wealth management. It renders consulting and training for financial institutions and corporations in the areas including credit, market, and operational risk; risk information system; training and staff development; corporate advisory; and litigation support. The company offers advisory services on financial engineering, quantitative modeling, and compliance. Clients include BOC International, Chiyu Bank, Deloitte, Agricultural Bank of China, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, HSBC, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Shanghai Commercial Bank, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered, Maybank, and DBS

Type of business
Data Source
Asia-Pacific/Greater China

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersHong Kong
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$N/A
ManagementFounder & Chairman: Dr Michael CS Wong Director: Anita Wong Consultant: Crystal Ng

  Website Analysis

Alexa RankN/A
TypeData Source
Client CaseUnknown
CoverageHong Kong
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskYES
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataUnknown
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Financial Risk Modelling. CTRISKSOLN combines instrument pricing, portfolio analytics, scenario analysis and a broad array of extensive fundamental and market data integrated with a dashboard on a single application Quantitative Analysis. 3 components, 1 Monte Carlo Risk Analysis, 2 Scenario Analysis to evaluate uncertainty in designing scenarios, identify key risk factors, their evolution and develop early-warning tools to track emerging risks 3. Stress Testing to execute practical and effectual stress tests that adhere to the current regulations and accounting standards relating to capital and risk Professional Training. Tailor-made programmes includes exploring the connected nature of risk across market, credit, operational, liquidity, reputational and other risks. Evaluates the techniques and methodologies employed in risk estimation including the relationship with regulation and capital.

  Business Potential

PresenceHong Kong
MarketClients include Banks, Wealth Managers, and Central Banks
CompetitionDeloitte, EY, PKF
AvailabilityDirect from CT Risk
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