Company Overview

Founded by former research analysts from CLSA and ABN Amro, EFA methodology is built upon real world data business requirements at investment banks providing research and reference data solutions EFA is a specialist software solutions company and service facilitator with over 30 multi-lingual staff offering 2 core platforms, the EFA Platform and EFAdrin which can be flexibly tailored to individual client requirements. Clients are located in the UK, US, Japan and Asia EFA partners with WorldFlow, Symphony, Responsive Labs &

Type of business
Solutions Priovider
Asia-Pacific/Greater China
Third Party Data Processor

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersHong Kong
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$>US$5 Million
Ownership90% Founders, 5% Staff, 5% Investors
ManagementChairman: Iain Reed Chief Executive Officer: Robin Hammond Investment Portfolio Analyst: Rosalind Luo

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank4,777,803
TypeSolutions Priovider
Client CaseThird Party Data Processor
CoverageHong Kong, United Kingdom, United States, & Vietnam
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataUnknown
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

EFADRIN is a buy-side SaaS platform linking customers’ front and middle office operations that standardises and automates excel spreadsheets which have been downloaded from other systems and then modified and then linked to real time data feeds using market data vendor add-ins. EFADRIN integrates directly with prime brokers collecting trade and custody data and with reconciliation it to fund administrators on a daily or, more often, monthly basis. This reconciled trade data provides a shadow PMS to track ideas, target prices, analyse performance, manage risk, and portfolio optimisation EFA Platform is a flexible platform solution covering the financial research process, from modeling with data validation, authoring, through production workflows with full compliance integration, to distribution to research aggregators and CRM systems, and extensibility via APIs

  Business Potential

PresenceHong Kong, United Kingdom, United States, & Vietnam
MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Securities & Funds Services
CompetitionFactset, Blue Matrix
AvailabilityDirect from EFA
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