Euronext FX (Ex-Fastmatch FX)

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  Company Overview

Founded as FastMatch, and in 2019 re-branded as Euronext FX, is an FX Multi-Lateral Trading Facility specialising in Spot G10 and Emerging Markets liquidity and was sold to Euronext in August 2017 for US$153 Million Euronext FX creates customised Spot FX liquidity pools, by Liquidity Providers (LPs) and currency pair to provide best execution. Pools can be anonymous, disclosed, or semi-disclosed, with Banks, Buyside, Non-Banks and Brokers providing liquidity The new ‘FX Tape’ is unique to Euronext FX Clients include retail brokers, institutions, banks, hedge funds, and proprietary trading firms

Type of business
Data Source
North America
Electronic Trading

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersNew York, United States
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$Est 25 Million
OwnershipPrivate: 90% by Euronext 10% by Management
ManagementChairman: Alain Courbebaisse Chief Executive Officer: Kevin Wolf Head of Product & Business Development: David Lyons

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank3,433,997
TypeData Source
Client CaseElectronic Trading
CoverageUnited States, United Kingdom, & Singapore
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Liquidity. Euronext FX provide setups whereby a client’s existing LPs stream their prices into Euronext FX which electronically aggregates prices, allowing a client to maintain existing bi-lateral relationships and manage liquidity. 20 Billion (single count) Average Daily Volumes are traded on the platform, and Euronext FX is ranked the #1 or #2 Algo destination as measured by ‘Volume Won’ by most of the major bank Algos. Technology & Reporting. Euronext FX provides Smart Order Routing Logic that is embedded into proprietary matching engine to route orders to the Liquidity Providers based on historical fill rates, hold times, and market impact with customisable reporting analysing each liquidity providers interactions Market Data is Real Time & Historical Market Data sourced from matching engines located in New York, London and Tokyo. The new ‘FX Tape’ delivers a constant real time mid-price reference point for each currency pair derived from the Euronext FX MTF and provides details of $100 Average Daily Volume (ADV) of executed trades, from contributors across the market and includes time stamps, currency pairs, VWAP price and aggregated size

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited States, United Kingdom, & Singapore
MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Market Data Vendors
Competition360T CBOE FX, FXAll, FX Connect, FX Spotstream
AvailabilityDirect from Euronext FX
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