Financial Benchmarks India

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  Company Overview

The FBIL, jointly owned by FIMMDA, FEDAI and IBA, was formed in December 2014 as a private limited company under the Companies Act 2013 to develop and administer benchmarks relating to money market, short term government securities and foreign exchange in India. The purpose to develop and promote India specific benchmarks as a replacement for LIBOR FBIL is responsible for all the aspects relating to the benchmarks to be issued by it, namely, collection and submission of market data and information including polled data, formulation, adoption and periodic review of benchmark calculation methodologies, calculation, publication and administration of benchmarks confirming integrity, transparency and precision.

Type of business
Asia/Indian Sub-Continent
Reference Data/Benchmarks

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersBombay, Maharashtra, India
Market Cap US$654,000 (Authorised Share Capital)
Revenue US$708,000
OwnershipFIMMDA (76%), FEDAI (14%) & IBA (10%)
ManagementChief Executive Officer: Rudra Narayan Kar Director: Himadri Bhattacharya Director: Dr Anand Srinivasan

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank179,614
Client CaseReference Data/Benchmarks
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksYES
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Benchmark Data: Overnight MIBOR, Market Repo Overnight Rate (FBIL/MROR), Term MIBOR, Reference Rate, Forward Premia Curve, MIFOR Curve, Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, MIBOR/OIS, FC-Rupee Options Volatility Matrix & G-Sec Valuation Market Data: Price data, and historical reference data Publications: Monthly newsletters and Thematic Studies

  Business Potential

MarketInstitutional Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Managers, Corporates, Government Agencies
AvailabilityDirect from FBIL
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