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  Company Overview

IFIS is a technology provider of Financial Capital Market solutions for buy-side and sell-side institutions The company offers offering products and services for real-time dissemination of market data, electronic trading, and enterprise application integration, order routing and FIX service bureau services. The IFIS Product Suite is offered as a customisable modular, multi-market, multi-asset class framework delivering market data and financial information to workstation applications and financial trading portals. Applications can be implemented either as a single integrated solution or as specific modules integrated into existing systems IFIS claims 1,000+ end-users and delivered 200+ projects in Asia IFIS Asia is not related to IFIS Japan

Type of business
Market Data Vendor
Real Time Services

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$N/A
OwnershipPrivate: Management
ManagementFounder & Partner: Francis Lee Chee Yeow Vice-President: Han Yee Eng Executive Director: Johnny Lim

  Website Analysis

Alexa RankN/A
TypeMarket Data Vendor
Client CaseReal Time Services
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskYES
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

TradeView: Terminal based access to real time market data, news (Reuters & Xinhua NCNA) & charting with option for trading module Trading Solutions: 1. TradeDirect, order execution and management system 2. TradeChk, risk management system, counter-party risk, position & limit keeping 3. TradeDeal Buy side order execution 4. TradeEx Sell side order execution 5. TradeLink, FIX gateway for order execution TradeData: On demand Datafeed access platform for historical time & sales, fundamentals, tick data and news. Refinitiv ‘Knowledge’ provides fundamental data & company financial reports

  Business Potential

MarketInvestment Banks, Asset Managers, Wealth Managers, HNWI
CompetitionBloomberg, DZH International, N2N Connect, Refinitiv, ShareInvestor
AvailabilityDirect from IFIS Asia
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