Koscom/Koscom Data

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  Company Overview

The Korean Ministry of Finance and the Korea Stock Exchange founded Koscom to introduce information technology systems and solutions to the local market, create infrastructure and provide on-going support. Koscom operates as a financial information technology company that develops and designs the Korea Exchange trading platforms, financial information systems, and IT infrastructure systems. Koscom was the exclusive distributor of Korea Exchange information until the late 2000s. Nomura Research Institute, NRI, has had a long term relationship with Koscom and co-operated in the development of Koscom’s first trading system in 1995. Please see separate profile for Koscom Data

Type of business
Market Data
Asia-Pacific/NE Asia

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersSeoul, Korea
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$N/A
OwnershipPrivate: KRX 76.6%, Korea Securities Depository 8%
ManagementChairman & Chief Executive Officer: Chung Jee Seok General Manager: Kim Dae-sik Head of Financial Information: Yoon Yong-been

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank243,952
TypeMarket Data
Client CaseReal-Time
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

KoscomData: Real-time feed for Korean exchange traded stocks, index futures, derivatives, commodities and Korean OTC markets, including prices, trades and disclosures CheckExpert: Terminal application providing real time data, charting and news from 76 information sources covering Korean domestic markets, major global markets, indices, OTC foreign exchange, and fixed income markets Datamall: On demand service providing Korean and global equity, futures/options and fixed income historic prices, financial market indicators for capital markets and economic data

  Business Potential

MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Managers, Corporate, HNWI, Retail
CompetitionBloomberg, eDaily/MarketPoint, Refinitiv, Yonhap/Infomax
AvailabilityDirect from Koscom
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