Company Overview

Numerco Limited is an independent commodity supply and technology company, specialising in the sourcing and supply chain optimisation of low carbon energy and industrial products. The company has over 200 partners in 40 countries, and business objectives is to link fuel supply services with environmental market products to assist clients meet their sustainability objectives. Investment strategies include taking positions in physical stock in the markets in which Numerco operates as a principal, along with equity, currency and other positions which align with corporate macro or micro views.

Type of business
Data Source
Inter-Dealer Broker

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersLondon, United Kingdom
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$US$5.4 Million (GB£4.4 Million)
OwnershipPrivate By Management
ManagementCo-Founder & Managing Director: Scott Lawrence Co-Founder & Director: Gareth Turner Co-Founder & Director: Craig Tee

  Website Analysis

Alexa RankN/A
TypeData Source
Client CaseInter-Dealer Broker
CoverageUnited Kingdom, United States, Poland & Brazil
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskYES
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataUnknown
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

All data is sourced from the in-house desks Key markets are 1. Uranium, live spot and forward pricing information for the nuclear fuel cycle, from Uranium Oxide ‘U3O8’ to Enriched Uranium Product ‘EUP’ 2. Carbon offsets, 3. Marine, including UNIMO mandated low Sulphur fuels for shipping and 4. Solid Fuels with price histories Numerco’s risk system is a web-based, application that values and measures the risks associated with nuclear fuel portfolios, supply offer comparisons and/or uranium resources. Risks are presented in multiple formats such as graphics, tables and reports, detailing users’ exposure to risk which changes over time. The analytics enables clients to make mitigation decisions in volatile markets.

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited Kingdom, United States, Poland & Brazil
MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Market Data Vendors
CompetitionInter-dealer Brokers
AvailabilityDirect from Numerco and IOWA.ROCKS
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