Company Overview

Provenir provides commercial markets risk analytics and decision making solutions to multiple financial segments including SME lending, consumer credit and lending, auto lending and financing, commercial lending, commercial real estate finance, and fintech Provenir risk analytics and decisioning Platform is an orchestration hub able to listen to any channel, integrate with any data service and operationalise any analytic model Provenir's clients operate in a range of financial verticals including consumer, commercial, cards, payments, ecommerce and auto financing Potential to be applied to retail investing advisors Clients include Elevate, GM Financial, HSBC, Klarna & Wells Fargo

Type of business
Solutions Priovider
North America

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersParsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey, United States
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$19 Million (Est ZoomInfo)
ManagementFounder & Chief Executive Officer: Larry Smith Chief Financial Officer: Kerri Antles Chief Technology Officer: Veejay Jadhaw

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank596,115
TypeSolutions Priovider
Client CaseUnknown
CoverageUnited States, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataUnknown
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Provenir Platform for Credit Risk Management is a risk analysis and decision workflow tool for loan origination, credit risk analysis, KYC, behavioral and predictive scoring, financial analysis, risk rating and collection strategies with business reporting tools Provenir Risk Decisioning & Data Science Platform is a model agnostic service for credit risk modelling and profiling that allows data models to be uploaded and mapped for testing, workflow processing and developing credit scorecards Provenir for Business Intelligence and Analytics from application details to existing customer profiles and third party information and displays in configurable reporting dashboards

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited States, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom
MarketCommercial Banks & Corporates
CompetitionAzuga, F5 Networks, Infosys, Quiq, Wipro
AvailabilityDirect from Provenir
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