SBI Holdings SBI Morningstar

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  Company Overview

Morningstar Japan K.K. provides comparative and evaluation information for financial products including funds ad ETFs, Internet sites, and advisory services. The Company operates in two business segments. 1.The Financial Service segment provides consulting services, seminar operations, financial product-related consultation service, investment trust solutions, data solutions, including a daily publication ‘Kabushiki Shinbun’, the provision of stock and company information, and fund analysis reports, as well as media solutions. 2.The Asset Management segment is engaged in the provision of investment management and advisory services, as well as pension consulting services based upon its relationship with Morningstar Inc of the US.

Type of business
Market Data Vendor
Asia-Pacific/NE Asia
Universal Vendor

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersTokyo, Japan
Market Cap US$274.4 Million
Revenue US$55.8 Million
OwnershipListed JASDAQ: SBI Group 48.82% Morningstar 33.19%
ManagementExecutive President: Tomoya Asakura Executive Officer: Kazuhisa Ogawa Managing Director Client Solutions: Thomas Schiller

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank35,064
TypeMarket Data Vendor
Client CaseUniversal Vendor
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Managed Investment Data Licences: Morningstar Data for managed investments has a database representing 99%+ Japan market coverage with formatted data feeds for integration within business operations. Firms can licence the right to use Morningstar Data for a specific purpose and time period. core data licences which can be complemented by specialised licences for additional applications. Morningstar for Equities: Used by financial institutions to support internal research functions, investment tools, and deliver information and analysis to investors. Licences allow for integration Morningstar Data for equities on an enterprise basis. The service features financial statement data, consolidated industry statistics, stock ownership information, and proprietary Morningstar statistics. Kabushiki Shimbun is an online financial news portal covering Japan’s equity markets

  Business Potential

MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Managers, HNWI, Retail
CompetitionBloomberg, Factset, Quick, Refinitiv
AvailabilityDirect from SBI Morningstar and Searchina
Custom Report Enquiry

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