Company Overview

SimCorp together with its subsidiaries, provides front, middle & back office solutions for the buy-side plus offering data management tools. The company has expanded beyond its core product, SimCorp Dimension, through acquisition •2014 purchased Equipos (SimCorp Coric) for GB£8.3 Million •2017 bought APL Italiana (SimCorp Sofia) for €UR 35 Million •2019 took over AIM Software (SimCorp Gain) for €UR 60 Million Key Statistics: •52% of top 50 investment managers as clients •300+ global clients •16,000 Daily Simcorp Dimension Users •US$10+ Trillion global client reporting •20% Revenue re-invested in research & development

Type of business
Front to Back Office Solutions

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersCopenhagen, Denmark
Market Cap US$4,398 Million
Revenue US$494 Million
OwnershipNASDAQ Copenhagen (SIM)
ManagementChief Executive Officer: Klaus Holse Chief Financial Officer: Michael Rosenvald Chief Product Officer: Georg Hetrodt

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank692,738
Client CaseFront to Back Office Solutions
CoverageDenmark, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, United Kingdom, United States
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataUnknown
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

SimCorp Dimension: Enterprise solution for 1. Order Management 2. Strategies, 3. Performance measurement 4. Risk Analysis, 5. Investment accounting, fund administration & reconciliations 6. Cash, securities & collateral management, 7. Market & reference data management, 8. Settlements Simcorp Coric: 1. Coric Engage portal for portfolio performance monitoring, 2. Coric Client Reporting for clients, 3. Coric Sales Enablement for pitchbooks & marketing SimCorp Gain: Data portal for optimisation market data and reference data usage with licence compliance tools, with 1. Gain Security Master 2. Gain Market Data for price validation 3. Gain Corporate Actions for capture, validation and distribution

  Business Potential

PresenceDenmark, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, United Kingdom, United States
MarketInvestment Banks, Asset Managers, Asset servicers, Pension Funds, Wealth Managers, Insurers, Central Banks, Sovereign Wealth Funds
CompetitionBlackrock/Aladdin, Calypso, Charles River Development, EZE Software, Finastra, SS&C Advent
AvailabilityDirect from SimCorp
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