SS&C Advent

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  Company Overview

Advent Software was founded by Steve Strand and Stephanie DiMarco, remaining a private company until being bought in 2015 by SS&C Technologies for a total consideration of US$2.63 Billion Re-branded as SS&C Advent the company provides products as ‘Software as a Service’ solutions for buy-side institutions to automate front, middle and back office processes, including compliance tools, client relationship management, and revenue monitoring Key Statistics: •Global client base of 4,300+ institutions •Located in 50+ countries & territories 2019 SS&C purchased UAE based Investrack from Globacom Technologies 2020 SS&C acquire Innovest to complement Advent for US$120 Million

Type of business
North America
Front to Middle Office Solutions

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersSan Francisco, California, United States
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$N/A
OwnershipSubsidiary: SS&C Technologies
ManagementGeneral Manager: Robert Roley Chief Development Officer: Karen Geiger SVP Client Experience: Casey Keller

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank350,314
Client CaseFront to Middle Office Solutions
CoverageUnited States, China, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE, United Kingdom
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataUnknown
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Advent Portfolio Exchange: APX is a multi-asset class, multi-currency enterprise integrated front to back office portfolio management and client relationship management solutions suite, including performance analytics, customised reporting, and automated workflow processes Advent Genesis/Moxy: Order decision to execution platform. Functionality includes portfolio construction, modelling, rebalancing (1,000 accounts per minute), monitoring portfolio drift, with compliance oversight Advent Geneva: Is a real time portfolio management system offering 1. Accounting & reporting, 2. Reconciliation & workflow management, 3. Fund Accounting, 4. Investor Servicing 5. Outsourced management

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited States, China, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE, United Kingdom
MarketPrime Brokers, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Wealth Managers, Fund Administration, Family Offices
CompetitionBlackrock/Aladdin, Calypso, Charles River Development, EZE Software, Finastra, SimCorp
AvailabilityDirect from SS&C Advent
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