Company Overview

Xignite offers a cloud-based platform designed around financial market data APIs for institutions and software solutions providers The company's cloud-based platform sources and integrates financial market data, focuses on offering normalised real-time and reference data on-demand as well as covers market quotes, news, corporate data, industry information, analytics and tools. Data can be integrated into websites, applications and software The APIs and solutions are hosted on Amazon Web Services Data coverage includes 250+ listed and OTC sources, 1.2 Million equities, 250K funds, 6,500 ETFs, 3.5 Million Bond, 5 Million derivative instruments and 29K FX currency pairs Pricing is tailored to usage of data, update frequencies and location of service

Type of business
Market Data Vendor
North America

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersSan Mateo, California, United States
Market Cap US$N/A
Revenue US$N/A
OwnershipPrivate: Management, Investors, Nikkei/Quick
ManagementChief Executive Officer: Stephane Dubois Chief Marketing Officer: Kerry Langstaff Global Head of Sales: Ryan Burdick

  Website Analysis

Alexa Rank224,158
TypeMarket Data Vendor
Client CaseReal-Time
CoverageUnited States
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksUnknown
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Exchange Listed Products: XigniteGlobalRealTime, XigniteNASDAQLastSale, XigniteBATSRealTime, XigniteGlobalQuaotes, XigniteSuperQuotes OTC Market Products: XigniteGlobalCurrencies, XigniteMoneyMarkets, XigniteInterBanks, XigniteRates, XigniteGlobalMetals, XigniteBondsRealTime, XigniteBonds, XigniteMunicipal BondMaster Reference Data: XigniteGlobalMaster, XigniteGlobalHistorical, XigniteHistoricalFile

  Business Potential

PresenceUnited States
MarketInvestment Banks, Commercial Banks, Digital-Insurers, Software Solutions
CompetitionActiv Financial, Bloomberg, ICE Data, Morningstar Realtime, Refinitiv
AvailabilityDirect from Xignite
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