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  Company Overview

Yieldbroker operates an all electronic markets for Australian bond, interest rate securities and derivatives, with technology infrastructure and regulatory oversight. Markets include debt and debt derivatives, including government securities; semi-government securities; fixed rate corporate securities; FRNs; supranational, sovereign, and agency fixed rate securities; treasury notes; government guaranteed bonds; swaps; repos; bank bills; overnight index swaps; and FRAs. Trading exceeds in excess of AU$3 Trillion annually and has a majority of the market for Australian and New Zealand debt 140 major financial institutions access over 1,200 debt securities and OTC interest rate derivatives on Yieldbroker

Type of business
Data Source
Electronic Trading

  Corporate Details

Date of UpdateUnknown
HeadquartersSydney, Australia
Market Cap US$67 Million (Based on ASX Valuation-2018)
Revenue US$20 Million (Est)
OwnershipPrivate: Consortium of 11 Banks & ASX (46%)
ManagementChief Executive Officer: Anthony Robson Chief Financial Officer: Greg Gibson Managing Director, Business: John Kimpton

  Website Analysis

Alexa RankN/A
TypeData Source
Client CaseElectronic Trading
CoverageAustralia, New Zealand & Singapore
Asset ClassesUnknown
Compliance & RiskUnknown
Indices & BenchmarksYES
Reference DataYES
Economic DataUnknown

  Key Products & Services

Streaming real-time prices. YB Market Data Feed covering 1,200+ AU$ & NZ$ debt securities sourced from the Yieldbroker electronic trading system providing live intra-day indicative pricing for AU$ and NZ$ cash fixed income products 'calculated' by YB. Streaming executable real-time prices. YB EBBO Premium Data Feed covering most liquid markets with 300+ AU$ debt securities which provides fully executable prices. Transaction Analytics. YB Trade Files coverage for client trading statistics, price and data requests on a bespoke basis

  Business Potential

PresenceAustralia, New Zealand & Singapore
MarketClients include Banks, Asset Managers, Debt Management Offices, Corporates & Vendors
CompetitionBGC Partners, Bloomberg, TP ICAP
AvailabilityDirect & Via ASX, ICE Data Services, IHS Markit, Refinitiv & S&P Dow Jones Indices
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